dooscord: theleftjoystick29
Bacon jerky underrates asf ngl
also just call theleftjoystick or TLJS.
R.I.P. therightjoystick5.99 363BC-9265AC
turned to green goo.

Sanook Gobbler @Marcus642

Age 14, tuna can (male)

Lord of edgy anim's

NSS (Nut Swamp School)

Bog-swamp of weird greach

Joined on 3/12/22

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2 cancelled animations.. good news!?!?

Posted by Marcus642 - 2 days ago

2 cancelled animations, here’s why. I tried making a story… and it sucked booty (in the coolest way imo) . I’ve been preparing to release about 3 big animations. Let’s talk about why I cancelled these animations. To sum it all up,


these were some big ass projects, I knew that these animations would be an ass spanking to work with (Mainly cuz if my inexperience of setting shit up.)

2:no funny

there’s no real way to make something funny outta this, like, really.

3:weird introduction

my goal was to slowly creep up to the viewer somethins up, and there’s lot more going on… intead I just threw it all up. And I never knew how to show it off, it was a story I immediately wanted to show off, but it should’ve never been like that. The story was mainly going to have my older animations heavily involved, yeah, those animations.

now that’s outta the way,

Why I’m happy I made this decision (and mistakes )

im finally free from those chains, I’m not ready for a story, although I’ve been drawing for years sense my childhood, animating for almost 3 years, that still doesn’t qualify me as a writer, so I need to get my game up. Now here’s why I thought of some cool ass ideas, (and why I’m not sharing all of it.) I was always interested I. Madness combat, guns, and doom, ESPECIALLY DOOM, I’ve played doom 1 doom 2, (classic and BD) doom 64, plus 3 of the episodes that came with doom 64 CE, doom 2016 , doom eternal plus TAG p1, not p2 cuz I said it’s too hard and pussy’d out lol, but I love gunz, and I love mc for its combat and L O R E . But this has taught me a ton, and thinking about it , this is more of a backing out of the story a lil, I will longer have this story so affiliated with my older animations, so I’m dead ass thinking of just releasin all of xD . We’ll see.



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